
A Message from the Chairman


Over time, we have built a strong track record. Throughout 2022, supported by the government and trusted by our partners, Techbank has made steadfast efforts to accelerate technological innovation and reinforce our leadership in biosecurity. Taking a prudent approach to venturing into the food sector, we have worked hard to improve the quality and efficiency of our business undertakings. Faced with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and African swine fever, we have forged ahead in spite of various difficulties.


The surging tide shines with charming light; the awe-inspiring totem depicts majestic stories! 26 years ago, on the bank of Hemudu, with its seven thousand years of history, some ambitious and daring youngsters embarked upon a “striver-centered” business venture.


Previously a feed factory with a small workshop and a dozen employees, Techbank has evolved into a leading pig farming company with 11,000 “strivers” and business expanded throughout various provinces and cities in China. Today, we are trying hard to enter the mid to high-end pork product markets. Through thick and thin, we have forged ahead, braving wind and waves. As China’s private sector has boomed over the past 26 years, Techbank has made breakthroughs through innovation, and achieved dynamic growth.

我們以Techbank,create your value”為天邦矢志不渝的追求?!?/span>Techbank”意為“技術(shù)庫(kù)”。秉持“以技術(shù)創(chuàng)造價(jià)值”的勇氣和自我革新的擔(dān)當(dāng),天邦闖出了一條屬于自己的特色發(fā)展之路,用技術(shù)與時(shí)代同頻共振,將夢(mèng)想照進(jìn)現(xiàn)實(shí)!

Techbank is forever committed to its founding mission, as seen in the slogan: “Techbank, Create Your Value”. As suggested by our name, we intend to build a bank of technologies. Aiming to create value through technologies and self-reform, we have carved out a unique development path. Following current trends by means of technological adaptation, Techbank turns its dreams into reality.

Create your value”,為創(chuàng)造價(jià)值!天邦在謀求自身發(fā)展的同時(shí),始終致力于為合作伙伴、為利益相關(guān)者創(chuàng)造價(jià)值,從而最終為消費(fèi)者、為社會(huì)創(chuàng)造價(jià)值,這是我們真正的價(jià)值所在,也是不斷打造人才密集型、技術(shù)密集型企業(yè)的根本動(dòng)力!

Techbank exists to create your value! While pursuing our own business success, we have remained committed to our true purpose of creating value for partners, stakeholders, consumers, and communities. Here at Techbank, we believe that creating value is the fundamental motivation for building a talent-intensive and technology-driven company!

聚焦研發(fā),夯實(shí)智能技術(shù)新底座。在種豬育種領(lǐng)域,我們通過(guò)戰(zhàn)略投資全球知名公司Choice Genetics,引進(jìn)孟山都優(yōu)質(zhì)種豬資源,成為國(guó)內(nèi)外少數(shù)能同時(shí)運(yùn)用大數(shù)據(jù)育種、全基因組選擇、CT測(cè)定等頂尖技術(shù)的育種公司。在生豬養(yǎng)殖領(lǐng)域,我們引進(jìn)歐美先進(jìn)豬場(chǎng)和現(xiàn)代化養(yǎng)殖管理技術(shù),憑借優(yōu)秀的基因、高效率的生產(chǎn)模式、高級(jí)別的生物安全、舒適智能化的硬件等關(guān)鍵要素,持續(xù)打造卓越競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力。

Focusing on R&D and building expertise in adoption of smart technologies. In the field of pig farming, Techbank has made a strategic investment in the world-renowned company Choice Genetics and introduced high-quality breeding pigs from Monsanto. We are one of the world’s few pig farming companies with expertise in cutting-edge breeding technologies including big data breeding, genomic selection, and CT evaluation. In terms of pig farming, Techbank has introduced advanced pig farms and modern breeding management technologies from Europe and the United States. Relying on key elements such as premium genes, efficient production models, enhanced biosecurity, and smart, comfortable farm facilities, we have made constant progress in building our corporate competitiveness.


Tapping into advanced equipment and technologies and raising the bar for the food sector. We have inspected and selected world-leading equipment, processes, and technologies for slaughtering, and adopted corresponding digital and smart systems for these. Thanks to these efforts, we will evolve into a world-class supplier of animal-derived foods. In addition, Techbank fully leverages cutting-edge technologies to ensure animal welfare at slaughter, manage microorganisms throughout the production process, and extend shelf life to 42 days. Techbank has been constantly dedicated to building a pork supply system beginning at the pig farm and ending at the consumers dining table, and providing safe, healthy, delicious, premium animal-derived foods.



Pursuing innovation and seizing new opportunities created by the national strategy for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. In keeping with current trends, Techbank has responded to the national policy on carbon neutrality, as well as the call to achieve carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. Committed to the principle of “Energy Recycling & Low-carbon Farming”, we have accelerated our green transformation and established Techbank New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.. Furthermore, Techbank has formed extensive strategic partnerships with leading SOEs in the energy sector and co-developed new energy projects in fields such as photovoltaic power generation, biomass power generation, organic fertilizer processing, and recycling practices in crop-livestock farming. While creating zero emissions or pollution, we aim to conduct eco-friendly livestock farming.


Gathering momentum to empower rural development and creating new drivers of rural revitalization. Responding to the national call for targeted poverty alleviation, Techbank has engaged in multi-channel cooperation to implement modernized pig farming & targeted poverty alleviation projects. Fully leveraging our advantage of operating in all links of the industry chain, we have made contributions to rural revitalization. For instance, Techbank has established multiple farms for the purpose of poverty alleviation in Guigang City, including the Menggong poverty-alleviation farm, which could accommodate 50,000 pigs, and the Dalingxiang poverty-alleviation farm, which could accommodate 23,000 pigs. We have also encouraged farmers to develop pig-fruit-cane integrated farming that enable recycling of livestock manure. Attracting more than 100 farmers, this model has increased their income while boosting local employment.


Exploring new models of charity driven by our compassion and commitments. Forever committed to its social responsibility, Techbank has made active efforts to give back to communities. This was especially evident in the company’s prompt response to the pandemic. Wasting no time ensuring sufficient supplies through production and shipment, Techbank contributed to China’s COVID-19 prevention and control efforts. This year, from April to May, we worked nonstop to help Shanghai cope with the pandemic, supplying 70 tons of Fantaste Meiwei pork to the city each day.


Through harmonious development, we aim to deliver quality food. In the future, Techbank will remain committed to its core values. Driven by “strivers”, we put customers first, working towards our goals through long-term dedication. While pursuing enhanced food safety, we will provide more competitive products and first-rate services, giving back to investors, customers, employees, and communities through concrete action.


Here at Techbank, we combine our efforts to strive for a common goal, with each piece of progress contributing to a better tomorrow. At Techbank, all talents and visionaries are welcome. Together, we will forge ahead and embark on new adventures!



Chairman: ZHANG Banghui